
Friday, January 14, 2011

Redneck Sleigh Ride

Our area recently received 6-8 inches of snow - in case you are wondering, that is not a normal occurrence.  We don't have salt trucks on stand-by, snow shovels in our garage, and certainly not any sleds.  If, on the off chance we do ever receive snow, it usually always all melts by the next day.

So we found ourselves snowed in, quite literally, with a ton of snow on the ground and all the roads closed.  So we bundled up in our multiple layers and headed out to our winter playground.  Yeah.  No.  The babies HATED the snow.  It was too deep for them to walk around in, and they were cold.  Not fun for them at all.  Karlie had a blast, but that tends to be overshadowed by 2 upset sisters. 

So we had a brilliant idea - let's go sledding. to get all 3 babies on a vessel and where to go?  We have a baby pool...and a lawn mower.  Sweeeeet!!! Wait we need rope - dang it!  Oh wait!  We have extension cords - those are as strong as rope.  So the hubs drills a hole in the pool, connects it to the lawn mower via an extension cord, and realizes the tires are flat.  While he's airing them up, I'm pumping the kids full of hot chocolate and gathering blankets for the bottom of the "sled."  Ok, we are fired up and ready to go.  The hubs hops on the lawn mower and tries to crank her up.  No deal.  Dang it!!!!  Ok, he jumps the lawn mower off the jeep, and we are ready to rock and roll.  Everyone piles in...and guess what happens?  We get stuck.  And stuck.  And stuck again.  Stuck in our driveway and stuck in the street.  Never fear, here comes Mommy to the rescue with her trusty shovel.

FINALLY, after what seemed like hours of trying to "sled," my family was the one making laps back and forth on our street (with all of our neighbors outside watching) in a baby pool, connected to a lawn mower by an extension cord in 20 degree weather, with all three of my children screaming in delight.

And that my friends, is what we call a "Redneck Sleigh Ride."

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