
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Is This My Life????

So I had that moment yesterday.  That moment when you say to yourself, "I absolutely cannot take it anymore.  Do you babies not realize that I'm doing the best I can?  I only have 2 hands!!!!  This cannot be my life!"  It all started because I had taken everyone outside to play.  Beautiful day, the babies are enjoying it, and of course Karlie Bea is on cloud nine.  Well, Karlie came running back to me totally freaked out/scared out of her mind about something.  Then Ella starts crying.  Then Maggie starts crying.  Babies cry, and god knows that I get that and it's ok.  But everyone was CRYING.  You know what I'm talking about.  Pissed off and disgusted CRYING.  So, while I'm still holding Karlie Bea, truth be told it was more like I was being held for dear life, I begin to make our transition to the inside.  And I can smell the reason why the babies are crying (they do NOT like to have poops), which just adds to my overall feeling of frustration.  I mean REALLY?  I've already changed 19 diapers today.  9 of which were poops.  It's only 3 in the afternoon!  And how in the world do you two time it the same every single time?  Sooooo, I get everyone inside, one baby at a time of course, because don't forget I'm still being clung to.  Now I need to figure out how the hell to get the babies out of the carriers and get them clean butts and still be the loving, comforting mommy that my oldest needs right now.  But I cannot even think.  Everyone is still CRYING.  So I get Ella out of the chair and I'm sitting on my ottoman rocking my big baby and youngest baby, moving the chair with my foot to at least try to sooth Maggie since yet again, I only have 2 hands.  I close my eyes and I think this sucks!!!!!  I want to go to work!  This cannot be my life!  I take a couple of deep breaths and think, I'll start looking for jobs tomorrow. 
Then I open my eyes and I see my darling little Maggie just grinning from ear to ear up at her Mommy.  Then I look down at my angel Ella and see that she is totally content, and Karlie Bea, bless her, says, "ok mommy, you ok?"  And I reply, "Of course love, I'm ok, are you ok?  You must have been very scared." 

Thank God that's over.

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